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Center for Civil Communications - 28 Report on Monitoring the Implementation of Public Procurement (July-December 2016)

28 Report on Monitoring the Implementation of Public Procurement (July-December 2016)

on .

Almost every third tender procedure is marked by participation of one bidding company


SKOPJE, 20 June 2017 – Today, the Center for Civil Communications published its monitoring report on public procurements organized by institutions at central level in the period July-December 2016.

Key findings include:

  • In 2016, as high as 23% of tender procedures were fully or partially annulled, representing an increase by 3 percentile points compared to the previous year. Monitoring activities recorded a series of examples for tender annulments that could be assessed as problematic.
  • Almost every third tender procedure is marked by participation of one bidding company. In 2016, this situation was primarily a consequence of low competition observed in the first half of the year.
  • Bureaucratization of public procurement procedures with applications for approval from the Council of Public Procurements has not lost in intensity. In 2016, contracting authorities addressed the Council of Public Procurements with a total of 16,067 applications for approval, which cost them total of 1.8 million EUR.
  • E-auctions were organized in only 55% of monitored procurement procedures.
  • In 2016, total of 605 procurement contracts were signed without previously announced call for bids and their value amounted to 34.8 million EUR. Total value of these contracts is by 20% higher compared to 2015. The highest procurement contracts signed under this non-transparent procedure belonged to JSC Macedonian Power Plants and concerned excavation of coal and slag for the need of RU Mines, MEC Bitola, in the value of around 5.8 million EUR.
  • In 2016, companies have lodged 557 appeals. The number of appeals is indicative of exceptionally small share of public procurement procedures appealed by companies, accounting for only 3%.

The report is available here. For more information, please contact the Center for Civil Communications by tel.: (02) 3213-513 or by e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .