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Center for Civil Communications - News

ПОВИК за доделување мали грантови на граѓански организации во рамки на проектот „Истражувачко новинарство за поттикнување реформи“ финансиран од Европската Унија

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Центарот за граѓански комуникации (ЦГК) во соработка со НВО Инфоцентар и БИРН Македонија во рамките на проектот „Истражувачко новинарство за поттикнување реформи“, финансиран од Европската Унија преку програмата за поддршка на граѓанскиот сектор и слободата на медиумите 2014, објавуваат повик за доделување грантови за граѓански организации (ГО) за акции поврзани со прибирање, обработка и анализа на информации од јавен карактер и подготовка на отворени бази на податоци за области од поширок јавен интерес.

Документите поврзани со овој оглас можете да ги преземете на следниов линк.


Companies survey on their experience from participation in public procurement procedures

The research among companies related to their experience from participation in public procurement procedures was conducted in the period November - December 2016. It targeted a total of 230 companies from all bigger towns across the country. This research represents the seventh regular survey of companies in relation to public procurement conducted by the Center for Civil Communications as part of their monitoring of public procurement from 2009 onwards. This analysis presents survey results, as well as comparison against results obtained on previous surveys, for the purpose of presenting the actual current state-of-affairs, but also trends in public procurement.


Handbook on monitorng and control of purposefulness in public procurement

The aim of this handbook is to contribute to a more comprehensive and better planning and management of public funds to meet actual needs and interests of the citizens in the Western Balkans region. To ensure greater participation of citizens in this important area of public finance management, this handbook summarizes key steps in public procurement and draws attention to the established principles of purposefulness to each of them. The handbook aims to the efforts of the Balkan Tender Watch coalition to expand the front of the NGOs which, through their activities, try to hold governments accountable for their work and to foster necessary reforms.

The handbook is available only in Macedonian.


Institutions proactively disclosure little information

Skopje, September 21, 2016 - The Center for Civil Communications announced today the results of research of active transparency of institutions. The ranking covers all 81 municipalities and the City of Skopje, 15 ministries and the Government. The percentage of fulfillment of the obligations for disclosure of public information of all 97 institutions is 45% (of 100%).

The legal basis for active transparency of the institutions are located primarily in the Law on Free Access to Public Information, and in many other laws such as the Law on Local Self-Government, the Budget Law, the Law on Public Debt, the Law on Financing of Units local self-government, etc. Apart from regulation, active transparency derives from practice, i.e. when an institution makes available to all citizens answers to questions often received in the form of requests for access to public information.

According to the scale of active transparency, most institutions (33%) are in the group with an 'average' active transparency, and least (4%) are in the best group, the one with 'good' active transparency. Generally, municipalities stand much better than the ministries and government. The municipalities are ranked on the first 18 places and the best ministry is only on 19th place. All four institutions in the top group, with 'very good' active transparency are municipalities.

In terms of specific areas of active transparency - the institutions publish most information on access to information, and least in the area of ​​budgetary and financial transparency.

The ranking of the institutions and the research are available only in Macedonian.

The research was conducted within the Civica Mobilitas program, which supports the annual program of the CCC.


On Average, Tender Procedures Are Marked by Participation of 2.5 Bidding Companies, While e-Auctions are Marked by 2 Participants

SKOPJE, 4 July 2016 – Today, the Centre for Civil Communications published its regular monitoring report on public procurement procedures implemented by local institutions, which provides the following results and findings:

  • Market research related to requirements defined under technical specifications has failed in all cases. In 100% of tender procedures contracting authorities had to obtain approval from the Council of Public Procurements prior to announcing their procurement notices. As regards eligibility criteria, market research has been successful in 71% of cases, and approval had to be obtained in the remaining 29% of cases.
  • Numerous examples from the monitoring sample showed great interdependence between procurement’s estimate value and final price attained, as well as with tender annulments. Therefore, prior to engaging in any serious effort to set estimated values of their procurements, contracting authorities are recommended to perform preliminary research of market prices and conditions.
  • In this monitoring period and sample, the share of tender annulments has decreased to below-average level, although there are examples of problematic tender annulments or non-annulment of tender procedures.
  • Competition in tender procedures organized on local level remained on the same low level of an average of 2.5 bidding companies per tender procedure, while the share of tender procedures with no bidding companies or with only one bidding company was decreased.
  • While the share of monitored tender procedures that have been completed with e-auction is increasing compared to the last monitoring period, the average number of companies participating in downward bidding at e-auctions accounted for only 2.

This monitoring report is available here. For more information, please contact the Center for Civil Communications by tel. (02) 3213-513 or by e-mail This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

USAID Civil Society Project is implemented by the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia (FOSM) in partnership with the Center for Civil Communications, the Youth Educational Forum, Reactor – Research in Action, and Forum – Centre for Strategic Research and Documentation.


The American people, through USAID, have invested over $500 million in Macedonia since 1993. USAID works with the people of Macedonia to create jobs, strengthen democratic institutions and practices, enhance integrated education, and prepare students for the workforce. These initiatives improve the quality of life and support Macedonia’s transition to a stable and prosperous democracy. USAID provides economic and humanitarian assistance in more than 100 countries. For more information please visit macedonia.usaid.gov and the Facebook page www.facebook.com/USAIDMacedonia.