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Center for Civil Communications - Recommended measures to curb corruption in public enterprises and institutions

Recommended measures to curb corruption in public enterprises and institutions

The Center for Civil Communications organised a second workshop on July 4 to discuss crucial measures necessary to decrease the level of corruption, this time with focus on public enterprises and institutions. Local experts and representatives of state institutions and the business community exchanged their knowledge and expressed opinions how to curb corruption in this sector, previously estimated like one of the most susceptible in Macedonia.

At the workshop Vanja Mihajlova, anti-corruption expert and former member of the State Committee for Prevention of Corruption, professor from the Law faculty Borce Davitkovski and professor Ljubomir Kekenovski from the Economy Faculty presented draft - measures and their expert opinions.

Other participants included Vesna Gogova of the Macedonian Chambers of Commerce, Branislav Gulev from the State Audit Bureau, Vesna Krpacovska from the Ministry of Finance, Ida Protuger economy journalist from Dnevnik daily and Slavica Bogoeva of the Chamber of Commerce of Macedonia. Mirjana Dimovska, president of the State Committee for Prevention of Corruption and Dragan Jovanovski from the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia also took part in the discussion.

The participants at the workshop supported the initiative of the Centre for Civil Communications for increased activities to prevent corruption in public enterprises and institutions. At the debate speakers and participants concluded that the corruption in this sector is on a high level and expressed hope that the suggested measures will contribute to narrow the room for corruption in these areas. The Center for Civil Communications is now working to prioritise the measures recommended at the workshop that will be published and distributed to all relevant institutions.