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Center for Civil Communications - Investigative reporting support to hold government accountable

Investigative reporting support to hold government accountable

Skopje, 6 April, 2016 – The Center for Civil Communications in partnership with the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network and NGO Info-centre has started three-year implementation of the EU funded project “Investigative reporting to boost reforms”. The Project will create a core of well skilled investigative journalists, as well as a network of grass-root CSOs from all over the country which should contribute towards improved investigative journalism both through their work and through the cooperation with journalists.

Project activities will be determined to change the current situation where the media in the country fail to play a pivotal watching role, i.e. expose and analyse issues of public interests and hold public officials to accountability. In such circumstances of deteriorating situation in the media combined with understaffed news teams and limited resources there is an apparent lack of investigative journalism, one of the most powerful tools for holding government accountable.

Project aims to increased quality and credibility of investigative journalism, and creation of CSOs’ open databases serving as resource for investigative journalism and their own activities. Project activities envisage intensive training program on investigative journalism on government’s accountability, mentorship and coaching of investigative journalists, award competition for investigative stories, study visits, public debates, sub-granting, training and mentoring of local CSOs in preparation of open data bases for important social issues, and a creation of informal network of CSOs and journalists.

Total budget of the project is 294,812 EUR, while the EU contribution is 265,331 EUR.