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Center for Civil Communications - Index of active transparency 2017

Index of active transparency 2017

on .

The general degree of active transparency in Macedonia in 2017 is considered to be low. The percentage of fulfillment of obligations for active publication of information in all 97 participating institutions was 42.5% (out of 100%). The degree of active transparency in 2017 has decreased compared to 2016 (when the average was 45%).

According to the ranking of active transparency, the most institutions, 35% fall into the group of 'average' active transparency, and the least, 3%, fall into the top group, the one having 'very good' active transparency.

Municipalities generally perform much better than the ministries and the Government according to their active transparency. Municipalities rank in the first 7 places of the list and the best ministry is located at the 8th place. All three institutions in the top group, the one having 'very good' active transparency, are municipalities. However, ministries have significantly improved in 2017 compared to the municipalities.

In terms of individual areas of active transparency - the institutions publish most information on access to information, and least on budgetary and financial transparency.

In terms of regions, according to average results, the best standing region is the Pelagonia region, and the worst- the Polog region.

The Index of active transparency 2017 can be downloaded here.