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Center for Civil Communications - Quarterly results from the monitoring of public procurements

Quarterly results from the monitoring of public procurements

SKOPJE, December 21, 2010 - Center for Civil Communications today announced the seventh quarterly report (.pdf) with the results of monitoring of public procurements at central and local level in the period July-September 2010 where they note the following key findings:

  • Economic operators can not exercise the right to inspect the documentation of the procedures for public procurement they have participated in. This incorrect application of the Law on Public Procurement has increased suspicion of the companies for misuse the public procurement.
  • The trend of reduction of competition in public procurement procedures continues. In only 47.5% of the monitored tenders in this quarter, there where only one or two companies bidding.
  • Annulled are 22.5% of monitored procedures. From 2008 to 2010, the number of annulled procedures has increased for 2.5 times.
  • Part of the contracting authorities do not respect the newly established deadline for taking bid selection.
  • Contracting authorities fail to meet the legally stipulated target of 30% e-auctions for this year. As of September, with an e-auction ended only 11.6% of the published bids.
  • The trend of increase of the contracts without publishing notice continues. In this quarter, through direct contracts are spending 574 million (9.3 million), up 14% over the same period last year.
  • Continued use of the element 'time of payment', which is forcing companies to offer terms for payment of invoices from public contracts up to 300 days.

Based on these findings, recommendations on measures to overcome the weaknesses detected and comparative analysis of the manner in which two important issues of public procurement are regulated in the country (the right to inspect the documents from public procurements and financial sanctions for offenses related to public procurements) are suggested.tion of the most favourable bid or rejection of a certain bidder is not adhered to;
The requests for submitting a bank guarantee for the bid as well as the amount of the guarantee are reduced,
The fee for obtaining the tender documentation is being slightly reduced.