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Center for Civil Communications - Analysis of findings of monitoring of media reporting 2017

Analysis of findings of monitoring of media reporting 2017

This is the second media monitoring report, the first being published in 2016. The monitoring covers the investigative and analytical articles and stories published by the media and aims to provide sufficient quality and relevant information to enable the assessment of incidence and quality of investigative and analytical journalistic articles, subject matters and fields covered by those articles. At the same time, the findings should provide the basis for design and planning of series of actions aimed at improved media reporting in general. The report may help journalists and media outlets to identify and locate the weaknesses in their reporting and as a roadmap to improved reporting. NGOs, on the other hand, may use the analysis as indicator for the areas in which enhanced engagement may be needed to ensure more regular, professional and objective information to the public.

he monitoring of media reporting that aims to assess the quantity and quality of investigative and analytical reporting is implemented under the auspices of the “Investigative Reporting for Promotion of Reforms” Project, financed by the European Union. The aim of the Project, which is implemented from 2016 to 2019, is to promote and stimulate the growth of accurate and investigative reporting with the purpose to contribute to better informed public and protection of public interest. In other words, the goal is to stimulate the editorial offices and newsrooms and their journalists to dedicate greater attention to in-depth, more substantial analysis of problems and issues, thus separating themselves, quality wise, from the influx of short, fast, superficial and sensationalist information, presenting the citizens with the context and allowing them better insight into the situation.