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Center for Civil Communications - Towards accountable public enterprises (2020-2021)

Towards accountable public enterprises (2020-2021)

on .

The project strengthens the integrity and reduces the risks of corruption in public procurement in enterprises established by the central government and local self-government by identifying weaknesses and implementing measures to overcome them. The project is implemented with financial support from the Kingdom of the Netherlands.


By the end of the project it is expected:

- to identify the generators of corruption in all phases of the public procurement of enterprises;

- to set standards / targets for improving the accountability and integrity in public procurement;

- to establish a sustainable mechanism for improving the manner of conducting public procurement by the targeted enterprises.

The project is implemented in 35 public enterprises and joint stock companies established by the Government, the City of Skopje and the municipalities of Gostivar, Kavadarci and Struga.

The project includes the following activities:

-Mapping of corruption risks at all stages in public procurement procedures, by monitoring a selected sample of tenders, preparing an index of rationality and calculating relevant indicators for assessing accountability and integrity in the implementation of public procurement.

-Individual enterprise screening to identify corruption risks and assess public procurement capacity (staffing potential and internal rules).

-Capacity building of targeted enterprises for better implementation of public procurement (workshops and trainings) which should result in the development of individual plans for integrity in public procurement.

-Advocating for lawful, economical, efficient and effective conduct of public procurement and reduction of corruption by publishing the findings of in-depth mapping of corruption risks in all phases of public procurement and presentation to all stakeholders and the general public.

The total value of the project is 6,000,000 denars.