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Center for Civil Communications - Споредбен извештај за проценка на системите за јавни набавки на земјите од Западен Балкан (EN)

Споредбен извештај за проценка на системите за јавни набавки на земјите од Западен Балкан (EN)

on .

This Report represents the compilation of evidence-based finding and views of the Balkan Tender Watch coalition. Besides analyzing public procurement systems through main basic quantitative indicators of the functioning of the system and the impact of public procurement on the economic and social system, in this Report we tried to incorporate EU perspective, through analysis of EC Country Reports, statements and views dedicated to the area of public procurement. As we mentioned earlier, Covid-19 virus pandemic strongly affected all areas of life but also situation in public procurement systems of our countries. One chapter of this Report is precisely because of that dedicated to the findings and views of the Balkan Tender Watch Coalition regarding state of public procurement systems during pandemic. In the very end, we have identified and pointed out main corruption risks in the public procurement cycle in each of our countries. Based on our work results and experience from the past ten years and of course based on knowledge and capacities that our Coalition posses we formulated concrete regional recommendations for improvement of public procurement systems in observed WB countries.