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Center for Civil Communications - Effects of the financial and energy crisis on policies and citizens (2023)

Effects of the financial and energy crisis on policies and citizens (2023)

on .

Project's overall objective is a more efficient and rational use of budget funds by the Government and municipalities that respond to the citizens’ real needs. Specific objective is reduction of the negative effects on citizens’ lives caused by the impact of the financial and energy crisis on the budget expenditures of the state and municipalities.

Project's expected results: R.1. Mapped the segments/areas of budget spending where the most unfavorable impacts caused by the financial and energy crisis (health, education, environment, infrastructure, etc.) are perceived from the citizens' point of view, both at the central and local level. R.2 Citizens have more information about the implications of the economic crisis on budget expenditures and their quality of life and have the opportunity to initiate changes.
R.3 Increasing public pressure for a more efficient and rational use of budget funds by the Government and municipalities in order for them to respond to the real citizens’ needs.

The project is implemented within the framework of Civica Mobilitas in the period from January 1 to October 31, 2023. Civica Mobilitas is a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), implemented by NIRAS from Denmark, the Macedonian Center for Cooperation Support (MCMS) and the Swedish Institute for Public Administration (SIPU).