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Center for Civil Communications - Implemented projects

Implemented projects


Media and CSOs against corruption (2011-2012)

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The project encompassed a series of separate and joint activities for enhancing media and CSOs role, as the most important representatives of the citizens, in the fight against corruption. The project increased capacities, involvement and cooperation of media and CSOs in the fight against corruption through a direct involvement in action activities’ of more than 100 journalists, news editors and CSOs representatives. An in-depth research of the way Macedonian media report on corruption was conducted as a base for designing trainings and debates programs, as well as recommendations for improving the role of the media in the fight against corruption.

In addition, manual for CSOs was published for enhancing their role and involvement in the fight against corruption. Besides, Macedonian translation of one of the world’s most important books on corruption and fight against it – “Corruption and Government” from Susan-Rose Ackerman, has been published. The project has finished with establishing of an informal network of media and CSOs representatives for the fight against corruption. The project was financially supported by EU’s Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance – IPA.


Exchange of experiences among investigative journalists from Macedonia and Romania (2008-2009)

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Decreasing the corruption: Exchange of experiences and best practices in investigative journalism among journalists from Macedonia and Romania

Through partnership with the Romanian Center for Investigative Journalism, 10 journalists from the most relevant national and local media from Macedonia were trained by leading trainers in investigative journalism from Romania, on advanced techniques in investigative journalism.



Strengthening the role of the media in the fight against corruption (2008-2009)

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The project enhances the journalistic standards for investigating and reporting on corruption and strengthens the capacity of the media for accomplishing their role in the fight against corruption. The starting point is an in – depth analysis of the manner in which the Macedonian media report on corruption, as well as detecting the main weaknesses in their reporting.


Measures for decreasing the corruption in Macedonia (2007-2008)

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After determining the most vulnerable areas to corruption in Macedonia in the first phase of the project, by means of this project a total of 156 concrete measures that need to be taken by the authorities were created and recommended in order to narrow the room for corruption. The project included a comparison with the best practices from other countries, a series of workshops on which experts and representatives from the interested parties discussed and suggested ways to narrow the room for corruption, prioritizing the measures and sending them to the relevant institutions and the media, as well as monitoring their implementation.