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Center for Civil Communications - Implemented projects

Implemented projects


Investigative Reporting to Boost Reforms (2016-2018)

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The action will create a core of well skilled investigative journalists, as well as a network of grass - root effective CSOs from all over the country which should contribute towards improved investigative journalism both through their work and through the cooperation with journalists.

It is expected the action to result in: increased quality and credibility of investigative journalism by improving journalists’ skills, capacities, tools and information for in-depth and fact-based reports; built operational and efficient partnerships between CSOs and the media to provide greater availability of information based on thorough and replicable investigative journalism; CSO’s introduced open data bases to fortify their activities and create resource for investigative journalism and their own further actions and public provided with better and more substantial information to make informed decisions.


USAID project for transparent governance (2009-2013)

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The Project developed mechanisms for increasing transparency, accountability and responsibility of local government in Macedonia, encouraging greater participation of citizens and local business community in the decision-making process in local government and the exchange of best practices and experiences among municipalities in the country, and in the region. Project activities contributed in reducing the level of corruption in the local communities and in enhancing the trust of citizens and business representatives in local authorities.

The project worked directly with 13 municipalities from allover Macedonia. After weaknesses in current practices of these municipalities were detected through a in-depth research, a series of recommendations followed by training were put in place for municipalities to take specific measures to improve their transparency. The project has been implemented in partnership with NGO Info-center from Skopje and EHO from Stip, and financially was supported by USAID.


Access to information - Source for a better information quality (2012-2013)

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The EU-funded project improved and raised awareness about the importance of having greater access for journalists to public information in order to increase the quality of public information and to promote freedom of expression and independent media.

The right to know is the fundamental right of journalists and all citizens should have access to information held by public bodies. The project built on positive experience of NGOs and journalists from EU member states. It worked directly with the journalists on strengthening their role as public watchdogs through exercise of their right to free access to public information.

Results achieved:
  • Increased journalists’ awareness for the importance and possibilities of the powerful tool of independent media – Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), which is currently under-used by the media.
  • Enhanced journalists’ skills for greater use of the FOIA
  • More fact-based and substantiated news reporting through greater use of FOIA
  • Proposed legal changes to FOIA toward shortening the deadline for answering to the requests for information in alignment to other European countries.

The project is implemented by the Center for Civil Communication in cooperation with Access Info Europe and the Balkan Investigating Reporting Network BIRN.