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Center for Civil Communications - News

Announced the measures for narrowing the corruption in public enterprises and institutions

Center for Civil Communications announced recommendations for undertaking measures for narrowing the corruption in public enterprises and institutions on July 23. The necessity of undertaking the proposed measures stems from the established wide room for corruption in public enterprises and institutions, enabled by the poor regulation in this area and the politization of these institutions.

All this results in low efficiency and losses in the work of the public enterprises and institutions, as well as in a decrease of the quality of services they provide to the citizens and the business sector. Hence, the proposed measures are mainly in direction of stipulating more detailed criteria for selecting and appointing members in the governing bodies/ managing boards of the public enterprises


Recommended measures to curb corruption in public enterprises and institutions

The Center for Civil Communications organised a second workshop on July 4 to discuss crucial measures necessary to decrease the level of corruption, this time with focus on public enterprises and institutions. Local experts and representatives of state institutions and the business community exchanged their knowledge and expressed opinions how to curb corruption in this sector, previously estimated like one of the most susceptible in Macedonia.

At the workshop Vanja Mihajlova, anti-corruption expert and former member of the State Committee for Prevention of Corruption, professor from the Law faculty Borce Davitkovski and professor Ljubomir Kekenovski from the Economy Faculty presented draft - measures and their expert opinions.


Defining measures for narrowing the corruption in public procurements

Domestic experts and representatives of the institutions and business community discussed the necessary measures that need to be taken in order to decrease the corruption in the public procurements area. The workshop was organized by the Centre for Civil Communications on 3 May this year, in the NGO Info centre. This was the first of six planned workshops that are part of the project that involves suggesting measures for narrowing the corruption in Macedonia.


CCC recommends measures for narrowing the room for corruption in public procurements

The Center for Civil Communications defined several measures that need to be taken in order to narrow the room for corruption in the public procurements realm in Macedonia through a series of activities that were carried out from 2005 to 2007. The measures were sent to all relevant institutions in the country and they are expected to take them into consideration in terms of the generally expressed commitment for narrowing the corruption in Macedonia.

Apart from the public procurements, in the following period, CCC will suggest measures for narrowing the corruption in other most vulnerable sectors as well.