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Center for Civil Communications

Истражување на водата за пиење

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Денес, 11 јули 2024 година, Центарот за граѓански комуникации го објави истражувањето за цените, потрошувачката и загубата на водата за пиење во земјава. Истражувањето покажа дека:

- Најниска цена за потрошената вода плаќаат жителите на Боговиње, само 7,5 денари за потрошен кубик, а највисока цена плаќаат жителите на Кочани – дури 48,79 денари за кубик, што е за 6,5 пати повеќе.



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No ministry or municipality in the country has a high level of protection against corruption in public procurement

Today, July 3, 2024, the Center for Civil Communications (CCC) announced the ranking of the Government, line ministries and municipalities according to 32 anti-corruption performance indicators in public procurement.

Institutions are placed in three zones – red, yellow and green depending on the points won for the way they carry out public procurement. 100% means maximum and 0% means no protection against corruption.

4 ministries and 43 municipalities are in the red zone, that is, their public procurements are carried out with a low level of protection against corruption because they have scored less than 50%.

No institution is located in the green zone, of high protection against corruption, with an anti-corruption performance of over 80%.

The Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning and the Ministry of Political System and Relations between Communities have the greatest exposure to corruption.

Among the municipalities, the lowest level of anti-corruption performance in public procurement was determined in Kratovo and Gostivar. In the red zone is the City of Skopje, as well as 40 other municipalities.

The best performance among ministries have the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, with a level of anti-corruption performance of 72%. Among municipalities, the best anti-corruption performance in public procurement have Kavadarci, with 70%, as well as Veles and Probishtip, with 66%.

The low level does not necessarily mean corruption in the public procurement of that institution at all costs, but that not all possible measures are taken to prevent it, and hence the possibility of it happening in these institutions is higher.

The ranking was made within the "Citizens Against Corruption" program, supported by USAID. For more information, please contact the Center for Civil Communications at (02) 3213-513 or at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


Истражување: Процес на доделување Б-интегрирани еколошки дозволи

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Целта на истражувањето е да се мапираат актуелните практики во однос на издавањето на Б-интегрираните еколошки дозволи, пред сè поради нотираните зголемени проблеми со заштитата на животната средина во државава. Во Националната стратегија за спречување на корупцијата и судирот на интереси (2021 – 2025) се вели дека овој сектор добива на значење во последните години, поради воведувањето различни еколошки и други дозволи кои деловните субјекти треба да ги имаат за да можат да ги започнат/вршат своите оперативни активности. Истражувањето е поттикнато од ризикот од корупција во текот на процесот, којшто ја наметнува неопходноста од анализирање на постојните практики, детектирање на проблемите и изготвување соодветни препораки со цел зголемување на транспарентноста и интегритетот на овие процедури.

Преземете го истражувањето на Македонски јазик.

Преземете го истражувањето на Албански јазик.

Преземете го истражувањето на Англиски јазик.


Research on Election-Related Tenders

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Today, June 10, 2024, the Center for Civil Communications published the Elections and Public Procurement Research. The research showed that:

- Tender procedures organized by SEC and related to this year’s joint presidential and parliamentary elections have costed by 767 thousand EUR more than the sum of all tenders for the same type of elections held individually in 2019 and 2020.

- Out-of-country voting was more expensive than services for printing all voter ballots.

- High 41% of election-related public procurement contracts were awarded by SEC under negotiating procedures without previously announced procurement notice.

- In the years when parliamentary elections are held, public procurements in the country reach record-high levels. This year’s elections were anticipated in public procurements organized last year.

For more information, please contact the Center for Civil Communications at (02) 3213-513 or at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .